Welcome to Learning Tree Montessori School

Why Montessori

Why would you opt for a Montessori school for your little one, when there are so many schools around you to choose from?

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Montessori Education

It is commonly misunderstood that ‘Montessori’ is just another name for nursery or kindergarten. In reality, the Montessori system



Happy to announce that we will be starting Montessori Primary for the age group of 2 to 6 years in Kottivakkam from the next academic year ! 

Art & Culture

Art and Craft Activities:

'Art and Craft' is not considered an 'extra-curricular' area at Learning Tree; it is integrated with learning in all the other areas. Children gain exposure to aesthetic principles even as they work on their motor coordination and number skills through selective colouring and painting. They enhance their active vocabulary even as they make patterns with clay, spray-paint, print, make collages, learn origami, or practice stringing and blotting. They explore the working of different implements as they use scissors,  punched design cards and needle-and-thread. Dramatics gives them the opportunity to develop their oratorical and  presentation skills. Regular music and dance classes offer rich scope for developing art appreciation and performance skills. Thus art and craft is woven into the fabric of the Learning Tree curriculum.

Cultural Activities:

Every year, the school organizes special events inside and outside school. These events too are dove-tailed into the developmental curve of our students. Our field trips are not one-off excursions, but the culmination of weeks of discussion centering around the place we visit. Our Annual Concert results in an exciting and fulfilling stage experience as well as learning in the areas of team-work, performance arts, music, time management and concepts like conservation and human values. Apart from these, we also schedule Grandparents' Day, Project Days, an Overnight Camp, and celebrations at school for major festivals and cultural events such as Onam, Raksha Bandhan, Navarathri, Deepavali, Childrens' Day, Eid,  Christmas and Pongal.

Age Group: 6 to 11 (and beyond..)

Elementary is a mixed age grouping of 6 to 11 year-old children. They become intellectual in nature and begin to move from concrete to abstract reasoning. They develop morality and imagination based on the reality they know. They acquire knowledge and information effortlessly because of their innate passion for learning. They learn through discovery and creative problem solving. It is through the child’s own exploration, imagination and creativity that concepts are understood and mastered. Children have different areas of work that includes languages (English, Tamil and Hindi), History, Geography, Physical Science, Biology, Arithmetic, Geometry, Algebra, Arts & Crafts, Performing Arts, Physical education.

He is entering a new period in his life; this imaginative, social, creative child needs a planned environment and expansive course of study to support his burgeoning independence and potential. The Montessori Elementary program, for children between the ages of six and eleven, is designed to meet the needs of your child in this phase of development. This experience will shape not only his knowledge and skills, but also his attitude about learning for the rest of his life.

The Montessori elementary is built on the foundations of the primary.

The elementary classroom environment is beautifully and thoughtfully prepared to support independent learning; it is child-centered, not adult-centered. There is access to the outdoors and the kinds of learning that can only take place in nature.
The elementary “curriculum” is only limited by a child’s imagination

The goal of a traditional curriculum is to delineate what a child is supposed to learn. In Montessori, we want your child to be able to learn everything! The starting point for all courses of study is the “Great Lessons”; these impressionistic and scientific stories are presented every year and give the students the “big picture” of cosmology, astronomy, earth science, geography, chemistry, physics, biology, history, anthropology, cultural and social studies, language, math, music, and art. Subsequent lessons offer the children keys for exploring these areas of human knowledge in more detail. The lessons are starting points for your child’s own activity. Meaningful learning happens when children are inspired by a lesson and begin to explore the subject and work on their own, children work collaboratively and cooperatively.

Elementary children have a strong drive to be social and to collaborate. For this reason, most of the lessons and follow-up projects in elementary are done in pairs or groups of children. Each day, your child will practice the social skills necessary to plan and carry out his projects: delegation and division of labor, sharing resources, making group decisions, taking responsibility for actions, and celebrating the success of peers. Conflict is not uncommon, but the motivation to resolve it comes from the children and their engagement with their projects. The Montessori teacher models and supports constructive and respectful problem solving.

The classroom is designed to nurture imagination and reason.

Elementary age students are naturally curious and have a strong internal drive to discover how our world works. They may ask, “How does a fish breathe under water?” “What number comes after a trillion?” “What causes a volcano to erupt?” Instead of simply giving them the correct answers, Montessori elementary teachers ask the right questions; they tell stories to inspire the children’s imagination and tantalize them to explore on their own to find out more: about volcanoes and dinosaurs and Monet and gladiators and poppies and skateboards and butter churning and cheetahs and – there is no limit! Driven by their passions, the children are open to the input from the teacher that refines their reading, writing, reasoning, and research skills. Designing our elementary program around the children’s natural cognitive abilities means that our focus is less on the facts and concepts we teach and more on what the children learn and how they learn it
The children’s work is open-ended and creative.

Each child’s response to a lesson is unique, and their follow up work reflects those individual differences. Your child is free to form or join a group to work with the concepts introduced in a lesson. For example, a group of children might have a lesson on the parts of a river. Some might choose to label an outline map with the rivers of India. Others might choose to repeat the demonstration with the river model (and without the teacher), labeling for themselves the parts previously demonstrated. Another pair might be intrigued by a particular river mentioned in the lesson or by the river running through their city, and they might launch a research project about the Ganges or the Cauvery. Because the children are free to move around the classroom and see what others are doing, it’s not uncommon for an idea to spread; children are stimulated not just by the teacher’s lessons, but by each other.

The children are empowered to seek knowledge beyond the classroom.
An important component of the elementary program is what we call “Going Out.” Going Out occurs for a group of children when exploration of a topic exhausts the resources of the classroom. We want the children to be comfortable navigating the world, not just our classrooms. So, we have a few excellent books, but not everything there is to read about a topic. We have many evocative art and construction materials, but probably not the one perfect thing that a group of children need to build their model. As a result, the children must “go out” beyond the limits of the classroom to find the information or resource that they need.

A Going Out is a planned undertaking by a small group of children. They find a resource in the community, schedule the outing, arrange for their own transportation and supervision (by staff or parent volunteers), prepare themselves for the experience, conduct themselves with dignity while out in public, and return to share their research with the rest of the class. Each Going Out is an entire course of study on independence, responsibility, and good citizenship —to say nothing of the intellectual rewards that children get from such experience. Montessori elementary children go out to the public library, to museums, to farms, to local businesses and public service institutions. They visit other schools and consult with experts. They attend plays, ballets, concerts, public lectures, tours, and other civic offerings. They spend time outside, having direct experiences with the natural world. Montessori children might go out occasionally or often, but the experiences are always deeply personal and memorable.



This is the second area of activity in a Montessori environment. Learning Tree has a full range of educational material for the development of the senses. Starting with Cylinder Blocks and the Pink Tower, the children move through a series of "sensorial" activities to more complex ones like Stereognostic Bags, Binomial Cubes and Trinomial Cubes Through these activities the children learn concepts of length, area, volume, shape, colour, taste, smell, texture and sound.


The Montessori method provides a solid foundation in Arithmetic with a range of equipment that emphasizes internalization of the mathematical concepts. Children start with Number Rods, Spindle Boxes and Golden Beads which introduce them to basic mathematical concepts. They later move on to other more advanced apparatus like Addition/Subtraction Boards, Multiplication/Division Boards and Fraction Circles, which allow the children to effortlessly bridge the gap from concrete to abstract. This area is especially fascinating as it takes children from counting and recognising numbers all the way to multiplication, division and computing with fractions. The entire process is supported by written and oral practice as appropriate.


Language skills involve listening, speaking, reading and writing. In the Montessori method, a complete framework is available to bring about comprehensive development in these areas. Language is an area where Montessori children usually excel, perhaps because we take advantage of verbal ability to foster literacy, and do not force children into meaningless repetitions. The phonics method of instruction ensures that children become independent readers and writers very early in their literacy career. By the time they master the conventions of reading and writing, they have already developed a sound knowledge of the language systems. At Learning Tree, older children learn Hindi/Tamil in a Montessori-compliant fashion.

All language instruction is supported by the Montessori material as well as books, as appropriate.

Parent Login


Limited admissions are open for children of ages 2 to 11 (Class 5). Click Here to submit an Online Application Form. You may also be required to participate in an online interview.

Job Opportunities

Click Here to submit an Online Job Application Form. If shortlisted, you may also be required to participate in an online interview.

Pre-School Rankings

Learning Tree has been ranked 4th in Chennai for the 3rd year in succession in the preschool rankings for 2019 released by Education World in December 2019. The Times of India in a separate survey published in Jan 2019 has ranked Learning Tree 2nd among preschools in South Chennai.


Latest Events

Annual Concert Mar 2021

The children took up the challenge of performing an online concert for the parents on 27th March 2021, in which every child participated. The 2-hour extravaganza had events like group dances and even three plays. The event was viewed by parents, grandparents, relatives and some old students, and all were enthralled by the great show put up by the children.

Night Party Jan 2021

The school had an online dinner party for the children in January 2021 in lieu of the Overnight Camp held during normal years. The children had great fun meeting at night, chatting with each other and having a common pizza party.

Sports Day Dec 2020

Sports Day was conducted as an online fun day on 11th & 12th December 2020. There were endurance competitions and fun activities that kept the children excited throughout and rooting for their Houses.

Talent Day 11-12 Nov 2020

Talent Day was held online on Children's Day, on 11 and 12 November 2020. Each child displayed his or her special talent in a chosen area of music, dance, skating, martial arts, yoga, story-telling, drawing, etc. It was a fascinating day for all, and an inspiring day for the children. On the second day the children had a special treat - a play enacted by the teachers!

Project Work 11-20 Sep 2020

Project Work was done during 11-20 September 2020, wherein the children learnt and practiced life skills, physical skills and science experiments at home, and then demonstrated the same online. Cooking delicious food, ironing clothes, stitching, new yoga postures, study of plants, new skating maneuvers, and air pressure experiments were some of the favourites of the children.

Grandparents Day Jul 2020

Grandparents Day was was held online between the children and their grandparents, class-wise, from 27th July to 29th July 2020. As it was held online, almost the entire community of grandparents could attend. The children performed dances and skits for the grandparents, while the grandparents related stories and sang songs in return. In the individual skill games section the children were more than a match for their grandparents!

Annual Concert Mar 2020

The Annual Concert was held at Vivekananda Auditorium in March 2020. The children regaled the 1000 strong audience for 3 hours with songs, plays and dances.

Olympiads and Competions Jan 2020

The Olympiad results for this academic year were outstanding this year too. The school had 6 international top 30 rankers in the Math Olympiad, 3 in the English Olympiad and 1 in the Science Olympiad. Medals, prizes and certificates were awarded to these and other high-performing students.

Overnight Camp Jan 2020

The Overnight Camp was held on 31st January 2020 in the Neelankarai campus. It began after school hours with a visit to the entertainment park VGP Universal Kingdom. The exciting rides there thrilled the children. This was followed by games in school, music, dance, dinner and finally a lot of chatting till bedtime. It was a tiring but memorable day for the children.

The younger children had an outing to Guindy Park.