Welcome to Learning Tree Montessori School

Why Montessori

Why would you opt for a Montessori school for your little one, when there are so many schools around you to choose from?

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Montessori Education

It is commonly misunderstood that ‘Montessori’ is just another name for nursery or kindergarten. In reality, the Montessori system



Happy to announce that we have started Adolescent Pathway for the age group of 12yrs+ in OMR Kottivakkam!


Toddler Community

  • In Toddler Community, We offer a small group experience for children 18 months to 3 years, who are encouraged to explore their interests in a peaceful home environment, prepared with inviting and challenging materials.
  • The toddler community is a very important class, especially as this may be the first school experience. This is a delicate class as much personal and developmental growth is happening to these young children. The classroom is a rich educational setting, filled with hands-on activities for this critical age of development.
  • We emphasize art, music, practical life, language, gardening and creative free play. Our beautiful outdoor area offers opportunities for gross motor development.

Primary Community

  • Primary class is a mixed age grouping of 3 years to 6 years children based on Maria Montessori’s philosophy of a multi-age educational society.
  • There is a “gallant dignity” within children of this age. When they are nurtured, treated gently, and consistently challenged they retain this dignity into adulthood.
  • The child’s social, emotional, physical and intellectual growth is fostered and supported.
  • Whole world is served.

Elemantary Community

  • Elementary is a mixed age grouping of 6 to 12 year-old children. They become intellectual in nature and begin to move from concrete to abstract reasoning. They develop morality and imagination based on the reality they know. They acquire knowledge and information effortlessly because of their innate passion for learning.
  • They learn through discovery and creative problem solving. It is through the child’s own exploration, imagination and creativity that concepts are understood and mastered. Children have different areas of work that includes languages (English, Tamil and Hindi), history, geography, physical science, biology, arithmetic, geometry, algebra, arts & crafts, music & myth, Physical education.


Admissions are open for children of ages 2 to 12 (Upto Class 6). Click Here to submit an Online Application Form.

Job Opportunities

Click Here to submit an Online Job Application Form.

Latest Events

Annual Concert Mar 2021

The children took up the challenge of performing an online concert for the parents on 27th March 2021, in which every child participated. The 2-hour extravaganza had events like group dances and even three plays. The event was viewed by parents, grandparents, relatives and some old students, and all were enthralled by the great show put up by the children.

Night Party Jan 2021

The school had an online dinner party for the children in January 2021 in lieu of the Overnight Camp held during normal years. The children had great fun meeting at night, chatting with each other and having a common pizza party.

Sports Day Dec 2020

Sports Day was conducted as an online fun day on 11th & 12th December 2020. There were endurance competitions and fun activities that kept the children excited throughout and rooting for their Houses.

Talent Day 11-12 Nov 2020

Talent Day was held online on Children's Day, on 11 and 12 November 2020. Each child displayed his or her special talent in a chosen area of music, dance, skating, martial arts, yoga, story-telling, drawing, etc. It was a fascinating day for all, and an inspiring day for the children. On the second day the children had a special treat - a play enacted by the teachers!

Project Work 11-20 Sep 2020

Project Work was done during 11-20 September 2020, wherein the children learnt and practiced life skills, physical skills and science experiments at home, and then demonstrated the same online. Cooking delicious food, ironing clothes, stitching, new yoga postures, study of plants, new skating maneuvers, and air pressure experiments were some of the favourites of the children.

Grandparents Day Jul 2020

Grandparents Day was was held online between the children and their grandparents, class-wise, from 27th July to 29th July 2020. As it was held online, almost the entire community of grandparents could attend. The children performed dances and skits for the grandparents, while the grandparents related stories and sang songs in return. In the individual skill games section the children were more than a match for their grandparents!

Annual Concert Mar 2020

The Annual Concert was held at Vivekananda Auditorium in March 2020. The children regaled the 1000 strong audience for 3 hours with songs, plays and dances.

Olympiads and Competitions Jan 2020

The Olympiad results for this academic year were outstanding this year too. The school had 6 international top 30 rankers in the Math Olympiad, 3 in the English Olympiad and 1 in the Science Olympiad. Medals, prizes and certificates were awarded to these and other high-performing students.

Overnight Camp Jan 2020

The Overnight Camp was held on 31st January 2020 in the Neelankarai campus. It began after school hours with a visit to the entertainment park VGP Universal Kingdom. The exciting rides there thrilled the children. This was followed by games in school, music, dance, dinner and finally a lot of chatting till bedtime. It was a tiring but memorable day for the children.

The younger children had an outing to Guindy Park.